Slight Margin, Kuantang Singingi Candidate Pair Files Lawsuit

Kuantang Singingi Regency (Riau Islands Province) candidate pair number 1 Indra Putra and Komperensi filed election result lawsuit to the Constitutional Court. Both filed the lawsuit on Saturday afternoon (19/12).

Putra said vote margin between his sides with candidate pair number 2 Mursini-Halim only 0.27 percent, therefore it qualified filing lawsuit requirements. “Qualified margin and violations occurred (in Kuantang Singingi regional election, ed.) ensure us that our lawsuit will be granted by the Court.” said him after registering the lawsuit in Ground Floor Lobby, the Constitutional Court Building.

The candidate pair’s attorney Heru Widodo explained several significant points in their lawsuit, among others was one of their supporting parties, the United Development Party (PPP), apparently supported other candidate; candidate pair number 2.

“Head of the United Development Party’s Kuantang Singingi branch (DPC PPP, ed.) accompanied the Applicants (Indra Putra-Komperensi, ed.) in candidacy registration on date 27 (November 2015, ed.), however the head was fired and replaced by the new one in order that candidate pair number 2 could be registered under the party’s support. We already reported that case to the Regency Commission Election KPU Provinsi and the Provincial Election Monitoring Body Bawaslu, but both didn’t respond. Candidate pair number 2 couldn’t qualified if the PPP’s support declared invalid. Such matter is a very principal requirement,” said him.

Meanwhile, Nias Regency candidate pair Faigi’asa Bawamenewi and Bezatulo Gulo also filed dispute lawsuit, claimed massive fraud occurred in Nias Regency regional election. Bawamenewi said vote margin between his sides with winning candidate pair was only around 6000 votes. He claimed the incumbent pair drove civil servants and village officials to be sneaky campaign team (tim sukses siluman). “Several civil servants monitored polling stations (TPS). Money politics was also occurred massively in the voting day,” claimed Bawamenewi after registering dispute lawsuit.

The Court already received 26 lawsuits from different regions up to Saturday (19/12) 3.30 p.m.

As known, the Court provided time for filing lawsuit within 3x24 days after regional election results declared officially by each respective Regency/City Election Commission and Provincial Election Commission, as stipulated in Article 157 (5) Act Number 8 Year 2015 of Regional Elections (UU Pilkada) and Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 Year 2015 of Procedural Law on Regional Election Dispute Settlement (Pedoman Beracara dalam Perkara Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota). (Lulu Hanifah/Prasetyo Adi N)

Saturday, December 19, 2015 | 15:37 WIB 140