The Court Holds Regional Election Dispute Settlement Simulation

Preparing regional election dispute settlement, the Court held lawsuit filing simulation on Wednesday (16/12) in Ground Floor Lobby, the Constitutional Court Building.

Court’s General Secretary M. Guntur Hamzah, Court’s Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk, and all ranks of bureau head and junior registrars monitored the simulation. Hamzah said the simulation aimed to ensure the best service from entire in-charge staffs. “We would like to ensure that entire in-charge staffs, particularly those who in-charge in lawsuit filing, ready to provide their best service,” said Hamzah.

Preventing crowded queue, the Court set up a tent in the yard of the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs. Dispute applicants, Hamzah added, only needed to file one copy of lawsuit to the filing table and pick queue number.

“So, they (dispute applicants, ed) don’t need to file entire 12 copies of lawsuit. They only need to file one copy within the period determined in Act of Regional Elections, which is 3x24 hours,” said him.

Hamzah further said that the applicants needed to prepare 12 copies of lawsuit after getting queue number. “No need to stampede in queue, because we implement queue number system. We had evaluated previous system, people stampeded in queue line because they chased the period 3 x 24 hours. Recently, they (who already get queue number, ed.) don’t have to worry on limited period because they already registered (after get the number,ed.),” added him.

The Constitutional Court opened lawsuit filing registration since Regional Election Commissions (KPUD) declared vote result in each region. As known, regional election candidates have rights to file dispute lawsuit to the Court after official result announced, as stipulated in Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 Year 2015 of Procedural Law in Regional Election Dispute Settlement. (Lulu Hanifah/IR/Prasetyo Adi N) 

Friday, December 18, 2015 | 09:31 WIB 133