Chief Justice Arief Hidayat delivers general lecture for the students and academic communities of law faculty of Universitas Sahid Jakarta, on Wednesday (4/11). Photo PR/Ganie
Chief Justice Arief Hidayat delivers general lecture for the students and academic communities of law faculty of Universitas Sahid Jakarta, on Wednesday (4/11) at Universitas Sahid Building. Delivering lecture entitled “Ethical Law Enforcement” (“Penegakan Hukum yang Beretika”), Hidayat explains on the importance of good law culture. He says that the statehood will be well ordered if good law culture implemented entirely. Law culture of a state, Hidayat further says, may be seen briefly in people’s behavior on road traffic.
“Law culture in Indonesia is reflected in people’s behavior on road traffic. Law culture is well ordered if people abide traffic rules,” said Hidayat.
Moreover, the law professor of Universitas Diponegoro says that ethics are rarely implemented recently, including in law community. In fact, Hidayat asserts, universal law is the crystallization of ethics and morals. According to Hidayat, law in Indonesia is not only about ethics and morals, but also God’s values.
Hidayat explains that the State fundament of Indonesia is different with other countries. For example, Turkey adopts secularism which forbids religious identity in State governance. “Chief Justice of Turkey Constitutional Court told me that women lawyers shouldn’t wear hijab in court proceedings because hijab reflects particular religion’s identity,” said Hidayat. He also explains that Turkey Constitutional Court has declared hijab prohibition contrary to the Constitution.
Hidayat then explains on the State fundament of Indonesia. According to him, the principle of believe in God is a form of Islam leaders’ voluntary who prioritize nation unity by accommodating other religions. The voluntary attitude of Islam leaders is a manifestation of Founding Fathers’ morals and ethics. Hidayat assesses that Indonesian politics elites and people were live in high trust society in the beginning of Indonesian independent.
“But nowadays, we see that people live in distrust and it has been widespread into political life, economic life, social life, culture life, and religious life, so that we live in condition which far from what our founding fathers exemplified. We live in low trust society. How we develop our nation if we distrust each other?” said him.
Complete Constitution
Moreover, Hidayat says that Indonesian Constitution is a complete constitution. “Our Constitution has political values, economic values, social values, culture values, spiritual values, religious values. Nothing in the Constitution of other countries that regulates religious life,” said Hidayat. He further explains that Indonesian Constitution adopts religious welfare principle.
Hidayat assesses that Indonesia is not just a democracy state, but also nomocracy state in which democracy shall be implemented by law. According to him, democracy implementation in Indonesia shall within the framework of God’s values and environmental values. Therefore, Hidayat says, Indonesia state governance shall contain democracy, nomocracy, teology, and environmental values. (Ilham/IR/Prasetyo Adi N)
Monday, November 09, 2015 | 14:44 WIB 112