The Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi –MK) holds Constitution Week entitled ‘Upholding Constitution Dignity’ (‘Menegakkan Marwah Konstitusi’) in Padang, West Sumatra. The Court collaborates with the Constitution Studies Center of Universitas Andalas (Pusat Studi Konstitusi –PUSaKO) in the event which held for four days (October 19-22, 2015). In the opening speech, Chief Justice Arief Hidayat delivers his appreciation to the collaboration.
“We cannot only depend to the Court in implementing constitutional awareness. We also have our helpful partners. One of the important one is the Constitution Studies Center of Universitas Andalas (Pusat Studi Konstitusi –PUSaKO),” said Hidayat.
According to Hidayat, the Constitution Studies Center of Universitas Andalas has partnered with the Court since the Court’s establishment. Hidayat says that the Court also demanded to conduct Constitution values socialization. “Therefore, the role of constitution studies center in many universities is important,” said Hidayat.
Hidayat further says that Constitution Week has been held in several universities, which are in Ternate, Bangkalan, Solo, and Malang. It shows the commitment of the Court in maintaining partnership with universities.
General Lecture
Chief Justice Arief Hidayat also delivers general lecture in the session. According to him, there is a big difference between recent conditions with past conditions when the Constitution established. In the past, Indonesian people have similar orientation, which is nation independence. “So they were not thought individually. They thought about independent nation that was free from colonialism,” said Hidayat.
Hidayat further says that Indonesia is in different conditions recently. Indonesian people suffer disorientation; they only concern on their groups’ interest rather than concern on greater good. People also suffer distrust. “Overcoming these problems, we shall foster trust between us. Tolikara case and Aceh case are some mediocre cases that could be big problems if we careless,” said him.
Hidayat also says that the Constitution is based on Believe in Almighty God. “I have big burden when declaring Court Verdicts due to the header stated ‘Justice under the Almighty God’ (‘Keadilan Berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa’). Upholding law in Indonesia is not only responsible to Indonesian people, but also responsible to the God,” said Hidayat.
The Constitution Week already held for the eighth times in Universitas Andalas. The event also features several activities, such as Constitution Debate, Constitution Quiz, Writing Competition, and Speech Competition. (Agung Sumarna/IR)
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 | 17:08 WIB 108