The Court Provides Regional Election Dispute Settlement Guidance to the KPUD

Chief Justice Arief Hidayat opens Regional Election Dispute Settlement Technical Guidance for the Regional Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum –KPU), on Thursday (1/10) at Grha Konstitusi 3 Building, the Constitution and Pancasila Center, Cisarua Bogor. Photo PR/Ganie




Chief Justice Arief Hidayat officialy opens Regional Election Dispute Settlement Technical Guidance (Bimbingan Teknis --Bimtek) for the Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum –KPU), on Thursday (1/10) at Grha Konstitusi 3 Building, the Constitution and Pancasila Center, Cisarua Bogor.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you are the frontline of election in Indonesia. Due to your contribution, our democratic law State could be run well. We altogether gather in this great place to conduct beneficial activity for nation and State,” said Arief in front of participants.

Hidayat further says that the State shall be run in accordance with people’s sovereignty principles. Elecion is democracy party as the manifestation of democracy State. “The conception of law state is mandated to us (the Constitutional Court, ed.). Entire settlement regarding election process is finally conducted by the Constitutional Court,” said Hidayat.

“The progress of democratic law State is depended on our hands,” said him.

Moreover, Court’s Secretary General M.Guntur Hamzah says that regional election is national agenda which has been through many stages. “The success of election is not only determined by campaign stage, planning, and voting day on December 9, 2015, but also determined by dispute settlement which in accordance with constitution framework and by law,” said Hamzah.

“Regarding with dispute settlement, the Constitutional Court considers technical guidance is needed to be held,” said him.

The technical guidance for the Election Commission is held for three days; October 1-3, 2015 and participated by 130 participants. It is a briefing for Regional Election Commission members in order to face election disputes. The election will be held in unison in December 2015. (Nano Tresna Arfana/Prasetyo Adi N) 

Thursday, October 01, 2015 | 22:14 WIB 126