Petition Revision Session is conducted via video conference, on Tuesday (1/9), at Plenary Room, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ganie
The Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi –MK) again holds judicial review session on Act Number 36 Year 2014 of Health Workers (Undang-Undang Tenaga Kesehatan) on Tuesday (1/9), at Plenary Room, the Constitutional Court Building. Srijanto as Applicant files petition which registered in Case Number 88/PUU-XIII/2015. The session is held via video conference.
The Applicant claims he has revised the petition as advised by Justice Panel. The Applicant clarifies his legal standing, which is as Indonesian individual citizen who works as pharmacy intermediate expert. Moreover, Srijanto who presents without his attorney claims he potentially treated unfair and harmed by the provision in Article 50 (2) Act of Health Workers.
Srijanto explains pharmacy technical worker is consist of pharmacy graduate, pharmacy intermediate expert (ahli madya farmasi), and pharmacy analyst. He assesses ambiguity will be occurred if those three professions shall form one profession organization. It is due to education and competence level differences.
“The difference of education and competence level is potentially causing unfocused organization. By three respective organizations, it will be more focus and effective in organizing educational empowerment and competence of each pharmacy profession. Thus, the role of pharmacy technical workers would be more optimal in giving pharmacy services to the public,” said him to Justice Panel led by Constitutional Justice Aswanto.
Previously in the petition, the Applicant explains his constitutional rights violated by Article 50 (2) Act of Health Workers which stated, “Each Health Worker profession shall only form one profession organization”. The Applicant who works as pharmacy intermediate expert considers he has violated by such provision.
The Applicant assesses the provision in Article 50 (2) Act of Health Workers –particularly the phrase ‘shall only form one profession organization’ (‘hanya dapat membentuk satu organisasi profesi’) contrary to Article 27 (1), Article 28, Article 28E (3), and Article 28F the 1945 Constitution. He assesses the norms discriminative and violates his constitutional rights because he potentially hampered and cannot form pharmacy technical workers organization. (Lulu Anjarsari/IR/Prasetyo Adi N)
Tuesday, September 01, 2015 | 21:54 WIB 96