Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court becomes keynote speaker at the Indonesian River Congress (Kongres Sungai Indonesia), on Thursday (27/8), at Surya Yudha Hotel’s Ballroom, Banjarnegara. Photo PR/Dedy
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi –MK) Arief Hidayat says the Constitutional Court is guardian of constitution, democracy, and citizens’ constitutional rights. He delivers the statement during the Indonesian River Congress (Kongres Sungai Indonesia), on Thursday (27/8), at Surya Yudha Hotel’s Ballroom, Banjarnegara. Banjarnegara Regency Government hosts the congress which intended to trigger recommendations regarding water sovereignty for greater prosperity.
Hidayat says natural resources management problem is a part of economics policy of a State which stipulated in the Constitution. “Indonesia is religious welfare state because the State is established based on Believe on Almighty God (Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa). The consequence is the State needs to uphold the spirit of divinity. Policies made by the State shall be placed on the framework of religious moral and ethics,” explained him.
Hidayat explains on Constitutional Court Verdict which annuls Act Number 7 Year 2004 of Water Resources (Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air – UU SDA). He assesses the verdict is Constitutional Court responsibility to Almighty God. He further says the Court as constitutional judicial institution has great responsibility.
Hidayat admits the Court has weakness. According to him, the Court has no instrument to conduct its verdict. There is no sanction if the verdict recipient neglects the verdict. “Obligation on Constitutional Court verdicts is solely rest on law-abiding culture of entire nation components. Constitutional Court verdicts are reflection of constitutional values as supreme law that shall be obliged,” he assessed.
Moreover, Hidayat says that Indonesia recently suffers from low trust society. Hidayat says Indonesian development could be hampered if there is mistrust among people. “Indonesian nation orientation is clear in the past; building Unitary State of Republic Indonesia (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia –NKRI) for independence. However, nation orientation recently is obscure, entire nation elements have orientation on position (jabatan). It is difficult to search people who have orientation on State development,” said Hidayat.
Monday, August 31, 2015 | 16:16 WIB 171