Applicant Revises Judicial Review Petition on Act of Consumer Protection

(Left-Right) Satrio Laksono, Samuel Bonaparte and Ridha Sjartina as Applicant delivered revision points at judicial review session on Act of Consumer Protection, on Monday (22/6) at Plenary Room, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ganie



The Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi –MK) held petition revision session on Act Number 8 Year 1999 of Consumer Protection (UU Perlindungan Konsumen). The Applicant had changed the norms filed and strengthened their legal standing.

The case registered with number 65/PUU-XIII/2015 was filed by three Indonesian citizens; Samuel Bonaparte, Ridha Sjartina, dan Satrio Laskoro. The Applicant felt detrimental because they as consumer should granted their right to gain correct and complete information concerning on legal entity and legal entity domicile of goods and services purchased. Previously, the Applicant reviewed Article 4 letter c and Article 7 letter a, however they changed the norms, which were Article 4 letter c and Article 7 letter b Act of Consumer Protection.  

Article4 letter c

 “Consumer rights are: c. Right to gain correct, clear, and honest information regarding on condition and guarantee of goods and/or services.”

(“Hak Konsumen adalah: c. Hak atas informasi yang benar, jelas, dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/ atau jasa.”)

Article 7 letter b

 “Businessmen obligations are: b. provide correct, clear, and honest information regarding on condition and guarantee of goods and/or services as well as provide usage, repair, and maintenance explanations;”

(“Kewajiban Pelaku Usaha adalah: b. memberikan informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/atau jasa serta memberi penjelasan penggunaan, perbaikan dan pemeliharaan;)

At the session led by Constitutional Justice Suhartoyo, the Applicant also affirmed constitutional loss suffered by each Applicant. “We specifically outline constitutional loss of Applicant I. We also change the petitum as advised by the Court to be more simple,” said one of the Applicant Ridha Sjartina

Responding the revision, Constitutional Justice Suhartoyo said the revised petition would be forwarded to Justice’s Consultative Meeting (Rapat Permusyawaratan Hakim –RPH) to determine whether the petition was eligible to proceed into the next session.

“Later it will be determined whether Applicant’s petition is considered eligible for further session into Plenary session or it could be adjudicated by the Court without having to be taken into Plenary session,” said him. (Lulu Hanifah)


Monday, June 22, 2015 | 17:37 WIB 110