Two Golkar Cadres Withdraw Petition on Act of Political Parties

Hulia Syahendra as Applicant’s Attorney delivered his explanation at judicial review session on Act of Political Parties on Tuesday (19/5) at Plenary Room, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ifa



Two Functioned Group Party (Golongan Karya –Golkar) Party Tua Alpaolo Harahap and Anirwan who filed petition towards the provision of political party board validation on Act of Political Parties withdrew their petition. It was stated by Hulia Syahendra as Applicant’s Attorney in front of Justice Panel led by Constitutional Justice I Dewa Gede Palguna on Tuesday (19/5).

The Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi –MK) was actually scheduled on petition revision for examined the case which listed in number 48/PUU-XIII/2015. However during the session opening, Palguna asked the confirmation of petition withdrawal which later justified by Syahendra.

Palguna said that the Court received a letter dated May 18, 2015 from the Applicant which basically declared petition withdrawal. After receiving certainty from Syahendra, Palguna stated the session was no longer needed to be held. Palguna also said he would hand the withdrawal letter to Plenary Justice which then delivered for the official statutes of the Court.

“Well then, the session of this case is no longer needed. Later, we will report the letter to the Plenary Justice for the official statutes of the Court,” said Palguna while knocking hammer three times which remarked the session was over.

Previously at the preliminary session held on Wednesday (29/4), the Applicant represented by their attorney delivered their objection towards Article 23 (3) and Article 24 Act of Political Parties. Both articles regulated that the political party’s new board was determined by Minister Decree; however the minister couldn’t conduct validation if the dispute occurred.

The Applicant felt the provision was discriminative. It was because the disputing party such as Functioned Group Party wasn’t the ruling party. Meanwhile, the minister who authorized to validate the political party board was indeed from the ruling party. “The Applicant felt the impact which appeared due to authority abuse conducted by Justice and Human Right Minister in issuing Minister Decree on the validation of Agung Laksono’s faction as the valid Functioned Group Party and (the minister, red) doesn’t conduct principle of legal security or (in other word, red) conduct arbitrary action,” said Eben Eser Naibaho as Applicant’s Attorney during preliminary session.  

This judicial review case will not be continued because the Applicant had declared withdrew their petition. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/Prasetyo Adi N)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 | 14:04 WIB 103