KPK’s Director of Gratuity Giri Suprapdiono (Direktur Gratifikasi Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) handed over the drop box to Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar in order to implement, maintain and improve the integrity of Court employees, on Friday (15/5) at Ground Floor Hall, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ganie
Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar said the Constitutional Court had conducted many activities in order to implement, maintain and improve the integrity of Court employees as civil servant in judicial institution.
“Among others, the Constitutional Court had implemented Secretary General Regulation on Employee Code of Ethics. In fact, we had improved internal control system. Further, the Court had cooperated with the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan),” said Janedjri at Socialization of Gratuity Control for Court’s Registrar Employees and Court’s Secretary General (Sosialisasi Pelaksanaan Pengendalian Gratifikasi Bagi Pegawai di Lingkungan Kepaniteraan dan Sekretariat Jenderal MK), on Friday afternoon (15/5).
“We also had cooperated with the Corruption Eradication Commission. We actually had implemented regulation which obliged the employees to report their assets. It applied not only to the officials, but also for entire employees,” explained Janedjri to Court employees at the Hall and at the Center of Pancasila and Constitution in Cisarua through video conference. Janedjri said the obligation of employee to report their assets had applied since 2008 and increased in 2011.
“The prevailing attempt conducted by the Court should be maintained for its consistency. For example, in the near future there will be structural change of officials. Court’s Secretary General replaced by bureau head or center head. I reminded, before the new secretary general sworn, he shall report their assets to the KPK,” explained Janedjri.
Moreover, Janedjri said, “Anyone selected to be secretary general, bureau head and center head, or even division head, sub-division head, and substitute registrar, I will give input that the committee gather information on the accountability of their assets to the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis.”
“Therefore, we really commit to implement our prevailing regulations, including for substitute registrar. This commitment should be maintained and always be done and improve in the future,” Janedjri added.
“Today, we will get information on gratuity which will explained by KPK’s Director of Gratuity,” added Janedjri who officially open the socialization event.
KPK’s Director of Gratuity Giri Suprapdiono gave speech on gratuity control, gratuity report mechanism and corruption eradication.
Giri explained, the gratuity consisted of bribe gratuity and non-bribe gratuity. Bribe gratuity for example money or facility given for the purpose of affecting policies made by officials, money or facility given during official visit (kunjungan dinas), official/employee promotion or mutation. Non-bribe gratuity for example gift received from prize event, discount, or academic achievement prize, etc.
“Why do we need to eradicate corruption? We reject corruption not merely for obeying Acts, we reject corruption for loving our country,” said Giri who symbolically gave gratuity drop box to the Court.
On the occasion, Giri also cited the former Singapore Prime Minister who insinuated lazy but greedy generation.
“Actually, this quote is not lovely, but why I thought about the quote? Because Singapore is established until nowadays, which its officials salary up to tens of millions/month and the leader salary up to billions/month,” said Giri. According to Giri, the well-paid officials and leaders was a result of Singaporean hard work without corruption. (Nano Tresna Arfana/Prasetyo Adi N)
Monday, May 18, 2015 | 15:53 WIB 134