Chief Justice Arief Hidayat accompanied by the Court’s Registrar Janedjri M. Gaffar giving memorabilia to newly-retired Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim on Tuesday (28/4) at the Hall, the Constitutional Court Building. Photo PR/Ganie
The Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi –MK) held farewell party of newly-retired Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim and also welcoming new Constitutional Justice Manahan Malontige Pardamean Sitompul on Tuesday (28/4) at Ground Floor Hall, the Constitutional Court Building. The event was held at 19.00 WIB and attended by the ranks of Constitutional Justice, Deputy Chief of the Supreme Court for Judicial Division (Wakil Ketua Mahkamah Agung Bidang Yudisial) Mohammad Saleh, Chairman of the Constitutional Court for Board Ethics (Ketua Dewan Etik MK) Abdul Mukthie Fajar, Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar, and entire Constitutional Court employees.
Alim had served as Constitutional Justice since June 26, 2008 replacing Constitutional Justice Soedarsono. Alim is considered as senior Justice because he had been Constitutional Justice for two periods under the proposal of the Supreme Court. Moreover, Alim also a Constitutional Justice who served through entire Chief Justice term, since the Court led by Jimly Asshiddiqie to recent Chief Justice Arief Hidayat.
Meanwhile Alim substitution, Manahan was selected to be Constitutional Justice after declared had passed profile assessment and interview conducted by selection committee which formed by the Supreme Court on December 2, 2014. Manahan was selected over seven other candidates. The selection result then recorded in the announcement of justice selection commission from element of the Supreme Court Number 07/Pansel/H-MK/XII/2014. Previously, Manahan was Deputy Chief of Bangka Belitung High Court. Manahan then sworn in by the President as Constitutional Justice from the Supreme Court element on April 28, 2015.
At the event, Chief Justice Arief Hidayat delivered that Alim had much contribution to the Court. Alim had incised achievement through his idea and concept in several Constitutional Court verdicts. According to Arief, Alim had also created its own color to the Court verdicts. It was seen from several Court verdicts which religious. “The Color of believe in One Almighty God, Islamic color from the Court verdicts is in fact quite much poured in the verdicts, especially from the thought of His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Alim,” Arief revealed.
Arief also expressed his admiration towards Alim. According to him, Alim was a friend who often provides understanding on keeping independency, impartiality, and firmness of a Justice. “I often discussed with him (Alim) and get enlightenment from him on keeping independency, impartiality, and firmness of a Justice, because he is a Justice who start from the bottom then become a statesman who served at the Constitutional Court,” said Arief.
Afterwards, Arief gave a welcome greeting towards newly-selected Constitutional Justice Manahan. Arief then asked to Manahan to jointly give the best for the progress and prosperity of the nation and also keeping uphold of the Constitution and the Pancasila. “I have to say welcome to Mr. Manahan MP Sitompul who given the mandate by the State to continue his dedication at the Constitutional Court to be statesman, which of course we together always devoted and always give the best for the progress and prosperity of the nation by keeping uphold of State’s fundamental namely the Pancasila,” said Arief. (Triya IR/Prasetyo Adi N)
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 | 14:11 WIB 132