Indonesian Notaries Association: MKN not Defending Notaries

Indonesian Notary Association (INI) Registered as Related Parties in Judicial Review on Notaries Act as applied by an advocate, Tomson Situmeang. Representing INI Committee is Miftachul Machsun, who delivered testimony in Panel Hearing, Thursday (11/13).  

Machsun said that the petition which scrutinizes Notary Honorary Assembly’s (MKN) authority to seize Copied Deed Minuta for investigation process. Machsun said that mentioned Authentic Deed made towards authorized officials. He added, that Notary is public official whose competence comprises the issuance of such deed.  

As public official, Notary must represent the Country in providing evidences of civil law, the authentic deed, needed by Society. Within the deed, legal protection and certainty may be flaunted to shun away any disputes. Regarding of its importance in providing authentic deed, notaries’ existence is something to be sustained.  

Machsun also said that notary is obliged to realize that its duty is important and respectable.

 “With such intact realization, about the importance of its duty, Notary must be occupied by professional with undoubted moral integrity,” Machsun said.

However, INI realized that in practice there are some notaries who failed in undergoing their duties properly. Nonetheless, such condition must not set the touchstone to judge Notaries utterly. Muchsin said, Notaries should not have been presumably considered miscreant before taking any investigation process.  

Thus, according to Machsun, MKN was formed. MKN’s professionalism was bulit upon such necessity. It is MKN who decides whether or not copied Deed for investigation process is required.  

“MKN is not formed to defend Notaries, but as professional institution to decide on copied Deed issuance should such deed was demanded by the investigators for judicial process,” Machsun emphasized. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/kun)

Friday, November 14, 2014 | 07:07 WIB 107