Govt: SLO to Protect Electricity Consumers

Electricity is two-bladed sword, concerning its utility and danger. Its utilities are non-questionable while the danger is still in scrutiny. In attempting to guarantee general safety and environmental issue, while at the same time providing sufficient electricity, installation of which must be using National-standardized (SNI) products and tools.  

It was delivered by acting Dir. Gen. law and regulation Ministry of Law and Human Rights Mualimin Abdi in judicial review trial on Act of Electricity (UU 30/2009). According to him, the Act determines technical requirement of electricity which comprises safety and utilizing electicity for household and industry needs.

Therefore, in order to guarantee the general safety, sustainability of electricity and environment issue, tools and products of which must be generated by competent technical force. “Electricity installation must fulfill the requirement, proven by the issuance of Operational Qualification Certification (SLO, as determined in Article 44 verse ($) UU 30/2009 to accomplish safe, reliable, and eco-friendly electricity,” he said in Hamdan Zoelva-led trial held in MK Plenum room, Monday (10/27).

By implementing SLO, stipulation of sustainable and safe electricity may take place adjusting to the determined requirement. “Danger effect might be nixed, SLO will guarantee harmless electricity installation,” he said

Moreover, implementing SLO may be fairly conducted to all electricity installation, ranging from the provider to the utilization of electricity. SLO no matter how protects all the owners of the electricity installation, so there is no way it could disadvantage the owners.

Discriminative Article

Previously, Ibnu Kholdun as the Plaintiff of Electricity Act said that the Act conveys discriminative Articles. Rich or poor consumers must pay the same amount of proceeding SLO. The implementation was seen harmful and potentially trigger loss, and opposes Article 28I verse (2) 1945 Constitution.  (Lulu Hanifah/mh/kun)


Monday, October 27, 2014 | 20:05 WIB 94