Muhammadiyah retained testimony of the previous Related Party by refusing inter-faith marriage, based on Islam’s perspective. “Based on Muhammadiyah ulema’s decision, Muslim women are prohibited to marry infidels, and Muslim men are as well prohibited,” Said Syaiful Bakri, Muhammadiyah Legal Assembly Chief in the trial of Marriage Law on Wednesday (10/22).
His testimony was perpetuated as the Al Quran determined in Al Baqarah Passage which prohibits muslim men to the infidel women. However, Syaiful admitted there were some debates over such thing given that Al Quran also allows Muslim Men to marry Ahlul kitab (Jewish and Christian) as determined in Al Maidah Passage.
According to him, Muhammadiyah has decided that inter-faith marriage is not allowed to muslim. “There are some reasons, nowadays ahlul kitab are merely different to which determined in the Al Qur’an, secondly there is no way inter-faith marriage will end up as sakinah family, and last to maintain someone’s faith. We are not suggesting inter-faith marriage,” Syaiful said.
In the judicial review which petitioned by University of Indonesia students and graduates, two witnesses were represented by the Applicants. One of the Witnesses, Ahmad Nurcholis is a muslim who married a Confucian woman. He told that he has encountered several obstacles following his decision.
Nurcholis who is counselor for inter-faith marriage revealed that he once conducted a research with Komnas HAM, during the research he found two aspects of consideration. “One is religious aspect and the second is constitution aspect. In religious aspect, most of the ulemas say no, but there is a controversy. In constitutional aspect, there is a gap to be filled,” Nurcholis said. (Winandriyo Kun/mh/kun)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 | 19:18 WIB 138