As many as 150 students from Palembang Raden Patah Islam State University Sharia Faculty visited MK on Tuesday (10/14). The visit was welcomed by MKRI P4TIK researcher, Fajar Laksono at MK hall.
In the opportunity, Fajar said that MK’s presence is a reform product, as the amendment of 1945 Constitution took place marking the fall of new order. “Political reform required constitutional change. The probe later generated Constitutional Court,” he said.
MKRI took many references from its counterparts in South Korea. Similarities can be found in its hierarchy, authorities, and competences. “The difference lies in constitutional complaint authorities, to which MKRI hasn’t adopted yet,” Fajar revealed.
Moreover, MK stands as opinion court. The most logical opinion and its sustainability toward constitution, the most the petition will be infused in the verdict. Albeit, only those opinions delivered in the hearing will be taken in consideration. “MK justices won’t be considering opionion beyond the Court, if you want to be heard please say it in the trial,” he said.
Fajar also explained that MK’s verdict is erga omnes, which means that the verdict applied to all citizens, not just those who petitioned the lawsuit. Its verdict is also final and binding must be accepted and executed without sparkling rage between the conflicting sides. (Lulu Hanifah/mh/kun)
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 | 17:10 WIB 152