Constitutional Court declared that Shareholder General Meeting (RUPS) conducted after district court verdict with 21-day due. Besides, toward RUPS outcome which that passed through the due as determined in Article 86 verse (9)Act of Limited Company(UU PT) before the verdict issued shall be registered to Ministry of law and human rights within 21 days after the verdict recited.
The verdict was issued for the ruling in Article 86 verse (9) UU PT which says, “second and third RUPS conducted in-at shortest- 10 days or within 21 days after preceding RUPS BEING held”.
“Verdict. Granting Plaintiff’s petition entirely,” said MK chief justice Hamdan Zoelva to the petition filed by Nofrialdi, PT. Metro Mini Committee.
In the case, the Court opted that due as determined in the Act is no way can be conducted in determining RUPS quorum because judicial process takes time. Therefore, to legitimate law certainty, the Court agreed to adjust proper due time as ruled in the verdict.
In accordance to the impossibility to register third RUPS output as determined in UU PT, the Court emitted solutions. “To handle a quo problem, according to the Court, for legal certainty, third RUPS output may be registered to ministry of law and human rights within 21 days at longest after the verdict being recited,” Justice Patrialis Akbar said.
Terkait ketidakmungkinan Pemohon untuk mendaftarkan hasil RUPS ketiga karena melewati jangka wantu yang ditetapkan oleh UU PT, Mahkamah dalam hal ini memberikan pendapat untuk penyelesaiannya. “Untuk mengatasi permasalahan hukum a quo, menurut Mahkamah, demi kepastian hukum yang adil maka hasil RUPS ketiga yang dilakukan berdasarkan penetapan pengadilan negeri sebelum putusan Mahkamah ini dapat didaftarkan ke Kementerian Hukum dan HAM paling lambat 21 (dua puluh satu) hari sejak putusan Mahkamah ini diucapkan,” ujar hakim konstitusi Patrialis Akbar. (Panji erawan/mh/kun)
Friday, October 10, 2014 | 16:45 WIB 100