Elementary Students Paid a Visit to MK

Critical-yet-innocent questions spoken out from Bina Nusantara elementary school students as they visited MK on Thursday (10/9).

“Why there is Constitutional Court while Supreme Court still exists?” asked Tito.

Another student, Zera asked about minimum age allowed to file a judicial review to MK. “Is there any age restriction to someone who wants to file to MK?”Zera curious.

The questions welcomed by MK researcher, Abdul Goffar. “This is the first time for me to hear such critical question form SD students, their questions are surprising and fundamental,” Ghoffar said.

Goffar said that MK is needed in order to comply other duties that Supreme Court is not competent to.

“Both Courts are so different in competency , Supreme Court handles casuistic matters, like crime or civil. While Constitutional Court partake norms review,” Ghoffar said

As known, MK is in charge for some particular mandatory and competences. MK’s competences comprise, to decide over state institutions disputes, dissolving political party, decide over election disputes. One mandatory is to decide over DPR suggestion of presidential impeachment due to the wrongdoings.

To restricted age question, Ghoffar said that judicial review does not restrict on age basis. However, he explained that someone must be considered mature to think wisely before proposing for a judicial review. “18 years old is mature enough, you may propose for a lawsuit to MK in that age,” Ghoffar said

The visit also comprised photo session with MK deputy Chief Arief Hidayat and Documentation Centre visit located in 5th and 6th floor of MK building. (Nano Tresna Arfana/mh/kun)

Thursday, October 09, 2014 | 14:27 WIB 167