MK Secretary-general: MK Stands on Independency and Impartiality Principle

In striving its duty, MK holds independency and impartial principle by such commitment, MK carved several milestones including the frenetic presidential election. The statement was delivered by Constitutional Court Secretary-general Janedjri M.Gaffar, towards Ambassador and staffs at Wisma Duta Embassy of Indonesia in Moscow, Saturday (9/27).     

With the spirit and optimism to erect constitutional democracy, MK has complied its constitutional duty, aligned with judiciary principle. “Through those principles, MK maintain its prestige and authority, resulting in trust emitted by the people,” alumnus of Diponegoro University doctoral program said.

In the era of transparency, Janedjri stressed the needs of independency and impartiality, alongside with accountability. Therefore, MK has applied good governance of judiciary in return, reflected in its effort of completing any constitution case. Janedjri added, that MK has formed Constitutional Court Ethic Council to maintain the Court’s prestige and independency.

In the meeting that was attended by Indonesian Ambassador for Russia Federation, Djauhari Oratmangun, Janedjri delivered the importance of constitution in national wellbeing. Constitution, a product of people’s acceding, is situated in the highest place of law hierarchy and is the main source of all legal products in Indonesia. Thus, the existence of the constitution as the highest law lies on the people’s hand to glorify people’s sovereignty.  

“As the highest law, 1945 Constitution must be implied by all the citizens, utterly,” he said. He added that, any contending sides must put their feet to stand back on Constitution and rely their trust to MK, the guarantor of Constitution.  

In his visit, Janedjri is scheduled to meet his counterpart in Russia. The talk will involve strategic partnership between MKRI and Russia Constitutional Court, poured in signed MoU.(Yogi Djatnika/mh/kun)

Friday, October 03, 2014 | 10:53 WIB 179