Constitutional Court (MK) finally decides over North Maluku elections result in three Districts in South Halmahera, namely, North Mandioli, West Gane, and South Gane Barat. The verdict was emerged after Justice Prosperous Party’s (PKS) applications about 2014 Legislative election, Wednesday (9/24).
According to the reelection result as contained in North Maluku official report, each party’s results as follows: National Democratic Party 953 votes, National Awakening Party 528 votes, Justice Prosperous Party 3.171 votes, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle 904 votes, Function Group Party 890 votes, Greater Indonesia Movement Party 472 votes, Democratic Party 1.003 votes, National Mandate Party 867 votes, United Development Party 415 votes, People’s Conscience Party 409 votes, Star Crescent Party 343 votes, and Indonesian united and Justice Party 45 votes.
Apart from it, MK stated corrected result for each party for Regional Legislative Council for North Maluku election area in fifteen Districts of South Halmahera region. The fifteen districts are, Bacan, Botang Lomang Islands, West Bacan, East Kasiruta, West Kasiruta, South Bacan, East Bacan, Central Bacan Timur, South Mandioli, North Gane Barat, East Gane, Central Gane Timur, South Gane Timur, North Kayoa, and West Makian.
According to the recap result of the reelection as contained in the official report, total voteas for each party are the following: National Democratic Party 22.047 Votes, National Awakening Party 489 votes, Justice Prosperous Party 11.408 votes, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle 3.801 votes, Function Group Party 2.459 votes, Greater Indonesia Movement Party 572 Votes, Democratic Party 317 Votes, National Mandate Party 4.364 Votes, United Development Party 91 Votes, People’s Conscience Party 122 votes, Star Crescent Party 113 Votes, and Indonesian United and Justice Party 49 votes.
In response to Democratic Party and Nasdem Party, the Court has considered and instructed for DPR RI reelection in 15 Districts of South Halmahera. Therefore, every Court’s consideration to the reelection result may be applied as mutatis mutandis as well as a quo.
Court also rejected that violations have occurred during the reelection, since the report was informed by DPR RI candidate, named Boki Ratu Nita Budhi Susanti, which means the report is failed to meet requirements. Besides, Bawaslu reported that the violations did nothing to the final results. Therefore, MK declined Nasdem and Dems’ petition.(Nano Tresna Arfana/mh/kun)
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 | 21:58 WIB 106