Adjusting Regional Election Disputes, MK Re-allocate 2015 Budgeting

Constitutional Court (MK) representatives attended Testimony Hearing Meeting (RPH) with DPR Commission III on Wednesday (9/24) in Jakarta. In the event, MK Secretary-general Janedjri M. Gaffar delivered about MK’s 2015 Budgeting Plan. Other institutions also attend the meeting.  

Janedjri M. Gaffar said, based on Finance Minister’s letter, MK gained budget addition for primer salary and meal allowance, which meant to comply two functions and four programs. The two functions are general service and security. The four programs are management technical supports, facility development, constitutional cases completion, and citizens’ constitutional awareness development program.

Program priority stands on an assumption and reality that dynamic of state’s development must roll alongside people’s awareness of Constitutional rights.

“Challenges that MK may have experienced in the upcoming years must be tackled through clean and smooth efforts, principle of simple, fast, and costless hearing have to be glorified,” Janedjri said.

“Although Constitutional Cases Completion is still our priority, the other three programs are not less important. We are striving so MK’s Constitutional efforts run smooth with the support of judicial and general technical administration,” Janedjri said.    

MK’s budgeting plan was stacked with the assumption that MK is no longer handling pilkada, as being decided in the previous verdict. Therefore Pilkada completion did not include in 2015 budgeting plan.

“However, until an Act issued and determines which institution to handle pilkada, MK will still oversee the completion of regional election disputes. If such things occurred, MK will bid for additional budget,” Janedjri said.(Nano Tresna Arfana/mh)


Wednesday, September 24, 2014 | 19:07 WIB 131