Constitutional Court (MK) received revocation of formal review of Civil Code and Act 12/2011 about regulation formation.
“Granting revocation from the Plaintiff,” Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva said at MK Plenary room, Jakarta, Thursday (9/18).
The case was revoked, as the plaintiffs, consisted of several NGO and individuals discontinued their judicial review pleading on Civil Code.
In the first trial, Constitution and Law Study Forum (FKHK), Jakarta Law Student Movement (MHJ), several lectures and advocates filed a lawsuit for judicial review on Civil Code. Most Civil Code’s components were formed during the Dutch colonialism, it was considered obsolete.
Besides, the norms conveyed in Civil Code are far-fetched from Pancasila, to which supposed to be reference for any legal products. Burgerlijk wetboek (BW), a guideline for law lectures is considered obsolete and irrelevant. (Lulu Hanifah/mh)
Friday, September 19, 2014 | 11:24 WIB 86