Disputed Legislative Election Completion (PHPU) in North Maluku is far-fetched from complete. Wednesday (9/17), North Maluku General Elections Commission as the Defendant reported the result. On August 6, the Court instructed North Maluku KPU to conduct re-election for DPR RI memberships in 15 Districts in South Halmahera.
However, based on the North Maluku KPU’s report, the reelection, conducted on July 21, 2014, was executed by using partial available documents. The reelection also comprised data comparison. Nonetheless, some sorts of documents were left abandoned.
Reelection Results
To the report, the Court found that reelections were only conducted in three districts vy using incomplete ballots data. The three districts, namely, North Mandioli, West Gane, and South Gane Barat. Other districts’ results were recapped by using incomplete data, while only 90 TPS out of 276 TPS are happened to experience reelection. The remains did not experience any reelection.
Therefore, the Court hinted that North Maluku KPU failed to undergo MK’s instruction, although 15 districts have experienced the reelection its results are null and cripple in figuring the actual vote results.
“By the failure, the Court instructs that the reelection must be executed in the 15 districts,” Justices Ahmad Fadlil said.
In the verdict, the Court stated that reelection of DPR RI memberships must be conducted in 15 districts in North Maluku, namely, Bacan, Botang Lomang Islands, West Bacan, East Kasiruta, West Kasiruta, South Bacan, East Bacan, Central Bacan Timur, South Mandioli, North Gane Barat, East Gane, Central Gane Timur, South Gane Timur, North Kayoa, and West Makian.
Post Reelection
On Wednesday (9/17), North Maluku KPU and North Maluku Bawaslu delivered the reelection report in fifteen districts.
Bukhari Mahmud as North Maluku KPU member delivered the report. Mahmud said that the reelection has been conducted on August 30, in 239 poll stations, while one election in one TPS in Gane Luar was held on September 2, due to the technical problem.
The recap itself was conducted on September 5. Nasdem gained 22.047 votes, instead of previous 55.065 votes. PKB gained 489 votes, instead of previous 2.156 votes. PKS gained 11.408 votes, instead of 19.717 votes. Other parties experienced declination as well. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/kun)
Thursday, September 18, 2014 | 14:42 WIB 106