Three Advocates from Japan paid a visit to Constitutional Court, Friday (9/12). The visit, endorsed by Soemadipraja and Taher Law Firm, was welcomed by Head of Protocol and PR Bureau Budi Ahmad Djohari at MK 11th floor.
In the visit, Budi explained MK’s mandatory, such as deciding over DPR recommendation of presidential annulment. Aside from it, MK has four competences, to review regulation over Constitution, to judge state institution competence feud, to dissolve political party, and to decide over general election disputes.
Lately, MK’s competence to decide over Pilkada (regional elections) has been removed. “However, before there is any regulation determines what institution to decide over Pilkada come into an effect, MK will still take the responsibility,” he explained.
According to the Constitution, MK is the highest Court. Thus, its judgment is final and binding. MKRI consists of nine Justices, whose tenure lasts for five years and may be extended. “Three Justices recommended by President, three from Supreme Court, and the remains come from DPR,” he added.
Those advocates were also allowed to sightsee MK building, including video conference facility test. “MK is located only in Jakarta, while its authority covers whole Indonesia. Partnership with 42 Colleges has been settled to establish the video conference facility.”He said. (Lulu Hanifah/mh/kun)
Friday, September 12, 2014 | 15:00 WIB 148