Universities Must Take Responsibility of National-based Character Shaping, Hamdan says

Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva delivered scientific oration as Hasanudin University marked its 58th anniversary at Baruga Pettarani Hall, Wednesday (9/10).

Hamdan spoke up his speech, entitled “University’s Role in Shaping Nation’s Character”, by explaining his opinion toward youth and high education in nowadays realm. According to him, Indonesia was born as an independent state by the help educated and enlightened youths.

The former parliament member said that the youths harnessed their intellectuality in the struggle. Physical struggle was later converted to idea struggle. “Those youth are mentally solid,” he said.

In response to the recent education, Hamdan said that nowadays higher education aims narrow target of fueling student’s brain leaving characteristic standup abandoned. “Lot of them put aside their passion and knowledge and doing insignificant role,” Hamdan said  

Hamdan also said that in the reality, some universities still elevate knowledge above anything. Curriculum was stacked upon technology and science, defying the importance of character and norms seeding.  

“If such things keep happening, the graduates will be drying up of norms and nation’s awareness, the education shall not just answer the need of science but also shaping the responsible nation-aware individuals based on Pancasila and UUD 1945.” Hamdan retained.

Hamdan asked all Unhas civitas academica to shape moral-based education regarding to its importance and take responsible toward character shaping, decision maker process, and good mannered individuals. He also reminded that Unhas Graduates must convey “Ayam Jantan dari Timur” characteristic. (ilham/mh/kun).   

Thursday, September 11, 2014 | 13:24 WIB 208