Applicant of Civil Law Code and Act 12/2011 did not attend the revision hearing.
Justice Wahiduddin Adams, Maria Farida Indrati, and Anwar Usman led the revision trial, but neither of the Applicant nor the attorney showed up. “By their absence, the hearing will be close.” Wahiddudin said at MK Hearing Room, Jakarta, Tuesday (9/10).
The petition was filed by Constitutional and Law Study Forum (FKHK), Jakarta Law Student Movement (MHJ), Wahyu Nugroho and Denny Rudini. The petition says that Civil Code (KUH Perdata) is obsolete and rendering difficulties for lecturers who teach the subject.
In the preliminary trial, Wahyu cited that KUH perdata actually has level position with the Acts. However, KUH Perdata only has material quality, given that Dutch East Indies Government set Statsblad 23/1847 (Then converted KUH Perdata) to directly bind all residences.
Besides, KUH Perdata also considered far from Pancasila’s values, formally, to which supposedly be referral for any other law products. In lectures, all law faculties in Indonesia is still referring to Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW) which is considered no longer relevant to be implemented in Indonesia or especially, in lectures.(Lulu Hanifah/mh/kun)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 | 14:12 WIB 106