Harms United Freedom, the One and Only Notaries Organizations Pleaded

Indonesian Notary Assemblage (HNI) and two other notaries applied for Judicial Review. In the trial held on Thursday (8/28), Ismail Kamarudin Umar as the attorney cited that Article 82 verse (1), verse (2), and verse (3) Act of Notary Tenure has harmed Plaintiffs’ Constitutional Rights. The regulation drives to all Notaries in Indonesia to be incorporated in just one body, Indonesia Notary League (INI).

The three verses being pleaded by the Plaintiffs are:

Article 82

(1) Notaries unite in one body

(2) Notaries Organization Body as determined in verse (1) is Indonesian Notary League

(3) Notaries Organization as determined in verse (1) is the only professional independent body of Notaries, formed with the purpose to increase the quality of notaries.

Ismail Kamarudin Umar said that the ruling Article 27 verse (1) as phrase “one body” is against 1945 Constitution. They are demurred with another ruling of Article 27 verse (1) in which sets Indonesian Notary League (INI) as the only acknowledged Notaries body.

“In the principle we see that Act 2/2014 about the amendment of Act 30/2004 opposed 1945 Constitution. Article 27 to phrase “one body”, the second the league of Indonesian Notary League, and third the oneness phrase” Ismail explained.

In the Petition, the Plaintiff sees that the regulation harm united freedom for the notaries, it also seen to disregard human rights, to which actually guaranteed in Article 28 of 1945 Constitution.

The acknowledgement of Indonesian Notary League as the only Notary professional organization abolishes the others rights, while actually there are many Notary active organizations exist until now, namely Indonesian Notary Assemblage (HNI) and Indonesian Notary Association (PERNORI). (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/KUN)

Monday, September 01, 2014 | 14:34 WIB 76