Constitutional Court (MK) held another trial of Disputed Presidential elections, on Wednesday (8/13). The trial, which ended late, was filled with Witnesses testimonial hearing, represented by the Defendant this time. The Witnesses decline the statement about the existence of "stealth voters" who were using List of Special Addition Voters (DPKTb) to violently vote.
Badrusalam, South Tangerang KPU Chief, declines argument of Plaintiff\'s witnesses as the opposing side objected that 51 people who have voted in 29 Districts were using Identity Card (KTP) , whereas they were not registered as local residents. Badrusalam nixes the statement by citing that those accused 51 people are local residents.
Similar statement is addressed by Awaluddin, member of West Kotawaringin KPU. in front of the Panel, Awaluddin turns down the accusation of mass mobilization. He admits that there were additional 517 voters who were using letter of residential statement. the letters were stamped an signed by local officials.
"They were using the letter, Your Majesty. They\'ve been living there for years, working as factory labour," Awaluddin said.
Besides, Awaluddin also emphasizes that the letters were valid. "The letters ares still valid and legally fine, Your Majesty," Awaludddin added
Another declination is also delivered by Nuzul Fitri, member of Gowa KPU. Fiery, Nuzul refuses the accusation that he was setting up a path for 11.037 stealth voters to violate the elections. "Stealth voters accusation makes no sense. Maybe they just weren\'t able to differentiate Gowa to gua (Cave)," Banter Nuzul prompted laughter
To redefine the occurrence, Nuzul explains the boxes opening was done to compile C7 and DPKTb documents. From the Documents, it was found that the additional 11.037 voters are registered as local recidents.
During the recap in Gowa, Nuzul convinces the panel and Plaintiff\'s attorney that there was no objection filed from any competing side. Furthermore, no recommendation was given related additional voters.
The PHPU trial ended at 21.30 p.m. and will be continued on Thursday (8/14) on 9.30 a.m. The MK will inspect witnesses from the related party (president and vice president pair Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla) and additional witnesses from the plaintiff. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/kun)
Thursday, August 14, 2014 | 07:27 WIB 97