Commemorating 11th Anniversary, MK Committed to Oversee Democracy

Amidst bustling agenda of holding Disputed Presidential Election (PHPilpres), MK spares a few of its narrow time to commemorate its 11th anniversary, right on August 13, 2014. In front of the employees, Hamdan Zoelva shares some of his hope to the Court.  

“I hope, this 11th anniversary will generate positive energy for the sake of the Court’s glory, today and after,” Hamdan said in his speech, commanding a ceremony which attended by Secretary-general, Clerk, and all MK employees, Wednesday (8/13) at MK front yard.    

In such circumstance, Hamdan suggested to all components of MK to not overdo the anniversary. “It is best if we fill this anniversary with (self-) reflection, providing stepping stone to move forward and to glorify this institution ,” Hamdan said.   

Hamdan asks all of his companions in MK to define the anniversary on, at least, three things. "First, the anniversary shows our gratitude to the almighty God, Allah SWT, for everything we’ve been through,” Hamdan said  

“At the very first place, reformation gave birth to Constitutional Court, encompassing democratic wellbeing. It is, respectively, in line with the constitution mandate to reach national’s goal,” Hamdan said.

 Second definition, the anniversary is the symbol of appreciation to the founder of MK, Emeritus Justices, and people who have truly struggled along and oversee MK to be modern and trusted judiciary institution.  

“Constitutional Court at its formation had based constitution enforcement in this country. Through the supports, now we can withstand any obstacles ahead and gain trust from the people,” Hamdan explained.

Aside from it, this anniversary also means as self-reflection event, think and do better, to boost quality and professionalism of MK institution in overseeing democracy.    

In the event, Chief Justice also pins Satya Lencana Karya medal and exemplary employees for several employees of MK.

After the ceremony, the agenda later proceeds to Tumpeng cutting procession. The anniversary itself was held simultaneously to the event of disputed presidential elections completion, while MK’s birthday is determined after Act 8/2003 issued by DPR and President on July 13. 2003. (Nano Tresna Arfana/mh/kun)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014 | 11:03 WIB 140