Constitutional Court (MK) considers that KPU of West Java has taken MK verdict number 10-07-12/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014 as pleaded by Legislative candidate for DPRD West Java 3 from Democratic Party, Hedi Permana Boy. The Court also states that Hedi is ahead in 11 village in all over Cianjur District.
In its excerption, recited by Chief of MK Hamdan Zoelva, the Court settles corrected Hedi Permana Boy’s in 11 villages generated as many as 2.827 votes, while, Wawan Setiawan as the related parties only gains 1.480 votes.
In the Trial, KPU of West Java reported to have undertaken recalculation as the Court has asked. The recalculation itself was held on July 2, 2014 at KPU of West Java Hall. All participating sides attended the recap, KPU of West Java Province, Bawaslu of West Java, Provisional Police, KPU of Cianjur Regency, Panwaslu, PPK, PPS, the Plaintiff, and parties’ witnesses.
KPU of West Java reveals that C1 Plano-based recalculation only been done in 237 out of 344 TPS. The remaining were only using holographic C1 to deal the recalculation. The occurrence was managed to be done as none of C1 Plano could be found during the time.
KPU of West Java was hardly looking for the disappeared C1 Plano in the KPU of Cianjur warehouse. But, due to the scattered documents, C1 Plano are still nowhere to be found.
After the recalculation, Hedi gained 2,834 votes preceding his recent 2.827 votes. Although his votes were slightly dropped, it wasn’t as significant as happened to Wawan Setiawan, given that his votes fell from 5.987 to 1.480 votes.
After deliberating several reports, the Court sees that KPU of West Java has intentionally forced MK’s instruction, “KPU of West Java alongside with its peers has undertaken MK verdict number 10-07-12/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014, by July 26, 2014. Attended by participating sides,” Justice Arief Hidayat said. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/kun)
Friday, August 08, 2014 | 16:23 WIB 70