La Ode Salimin Still Fails, After Recalculation in Maluku

Constitutional Court (MK) released final judgment of case number 03-30/PHPU-DPD/XII/2014 as pleaded by Regional Representative Council (DPD) Maluku candidate, La Ode Salimin in trial which conducted on Wednesday (8/6) at MK Plenary Room. In its Judgement, MK settles corrected gained votes for DPD Maluku Province candidacy in Tual. However, MK’s judgement did not slide anything to the result.  

Prior to it, throughout intermediate verdict which was recited on June 25, 2014, the Court instructs Tual KPU to recalculate C1 Plano in all TPS in Tual. The instruction was meant to obtain just law certainty in deciding gained votes after several odds were found related to La Ode  Salimin’s pleading.

To the verdict, KPU of Maluku has taken the recalculation undergone in KPU of Tual office on June 30 to July 1. The recalculation was done by KPU of Maluku Province due to the KPU of Tual Suspension. The place was situated the same after Bawaslu of Maluku recommendation.

KPU of Maluku Province also reported that after the recalculation several changes were occurred. Nevertheless, those changes did not divert the order of the result as contained in KPU’s decision number 411/Kpts/KPU/2014, dated May 9, 2014.

From the recalculation in Tual, The Plaintiff gains 1.984 votes, out of 60.292 of total votes. To that number, the Plaintiff did not manage to find a seat.

In its excerption, the Court states to annul KPU’s decision number 411/Kpts/KPU/2014 for DPD of Maluku Province in Tual City.

Apart from it, the Court also settles that corrected result of DPD membership in Tual is in total 60.092 votes and the Plaintiff ranked in fifth position.

According to the Act 8/2012 about the Legislative Elections, the Plaintiff fails to make his way in to Senayan to be Maluku’s representative. As determined in the act, only top four candidates may find their way to be DPD members.(Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/kun)

Wednesday, August 06, 2014 | 20:06 WIB 123