DPR: B3 Waste Management Permission Unconditionally

Council of Poeple\\'s Representatives (DPR), represented by Commission III member Harry Witjaksono, said that the legal Act to shade B3 ( Dangerous and Toxic Material) Waste management permission is undoubtly needed, due to the destructive competence of such waste. The objection was delivered in the trial in which deliberated Judicial Review of Enviromental Management Act as filed by convicted of Chevron fake bioremediation case, Bakhtiar Abdul Fatah, on Wednesday (23/7).

In his testimony, Harry said that waste management must be applied under serious, spot on, and well matters. Because, B3 Waste has dangerous characteristics, such as expolisive, easily ignite, corrosive, infectious, and Toxic, teratonic and mutagenically. If the B3 is mismanaged, it surely will harm human being and evironment exposed to which.

Due to its dangerous characteristic, B3 waste mus be done within preacutionary principle. the principle which applied after permission instrument. It is meant to distinct ties managament of particular waste to be specified according to every B3 waste\\\'s characteristic. "Permission instrument of B3 waste managemenet is a preventive attempt to ease human health and polluted environment issues," Harry said.

Moreover, Harry cited that it needs another development of a legal component to comprehensively assure law certainty of natural resources management or any other development. Hence, the destructive projection may lower. 

"Every activity related to B3 waste is subject to environent management and protection permission mandatory," he explained.  

Therefore, it is nonsense that waste management is done before the permission released. becuse the permission itself is a requirement before the plantation developed.

DPR views that the regulation in Article 59 verse (4) of Environment Management Act determines the permission is granted by the miister, governor, regent/mayor according to their authorities. It is also a validity of the goverment\\\'s duty.

Meanwhile, to the existence of the words "can be" in Article 95 verse 1 of the Environment Management Act smear law uncertainty, as Harry has objected. In other words, integrated law enforcement must be done under synchronized, influential, and sustainable efforts. "Integrated environmental law enforcement between state apparatus, the police and the prosecutors under the coordination of the environmental ministry is an effort to enforce environmental law effectively an efficiently," Harry said. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/kun)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 | 17:44 WIB 116