MK Grants Lawsuits of PBB and PPP in North Sumatera

MK granted PBB’s and PPP’s pleadings over North Sumatera’s PHPU. The sentence numbered 05-14-02/PHPU.DPR-DPRD/XII/2014 was recited by Justice Hamdan Zoelva on Monday (30/6) at MK Plenary Room.  

“ Partially Nulls KPU’s decision numbered 411/Kpts/KPU/2014 of 2014’s Election result of DPR, DPD, and DPRD candidate for DPRD Region/City memberships in Electoral Area South Nias 3,” Hamdan recited.   

Furthermore, MK also instructs Sumut’s KPU in casu South Nias’ KPU to recalculate ballots in all TPS of Ulonoyo Districts. All related committees (KPU, Bawaslu RI, Sumut’s Bawaslu, and South Nias Panwaslu) to monitor the repeated recap as what the committees are competent of. “Instructing the competent committees to inform on a written report to MK the recap result, 10 days at longest after the sentence dropped,” he said

In Court’s opinion, Nias; KPU might have revised the result after considering DA-1 model of DPRD Region/City. However, after deep comparison of the DA-1 model from the Defendant, many doubtful streaks conveyed on the evidence. Unmatched result also revealed on Defendant’s evidences.   

“Besides, comparer evidence was failed to convince Defendant’s objection. Therefore, the recalculation is needed to be done to match the valid Acts and regulation,” he said

Settled PPP’s Votes

Meanwhile, Court also grants PPP’s pleading over Binjai 2 DPRD candidacy, on behalf of Maruli Malau. Hamdan emphasized the right result for DPRD candidate in Binjai, as below: Maruli Malau gained 7 votes; Hardik 6 votes; Zuraida Hanum, Tristiawati, Muhammad Zunaidi, Dewi Chairunnisa Sikumbang, and Zulkifli Lubis gained nothing; Ramlan gained 2 votes, while Faisal Umri gained 1 vote.

The Court found several facts that convey the vote correction is needed to be done. “Based on those founded facts, the witnesses, PPK, and Panwas have agreed to correct the result, therefore the validity will refer to C1 model, PPP gained 7 votes and the Plaintiff’s gained no vote,” he said.  

Meanwhile, to other nine parties’ pleadings, MK declines all of the lawsuits. The parties generated 46 cases while the other three objected by DPD individual Applicants.(Lulu Anjarsari/mh/kun)

Tuesday, July 01, 2014 | 04:22 WIB 117