Constitutional Court declines three political parties’ pleadings of Gorontalo Province. The three parties, namely, Democratic Party (PD), Justice Prosperous Party (PKS), and United Development Party (PPP).
In the Sentence Trial, the Court Sees that Democratic Party’s pleading which objected flattened votes in Gorontalo 1 is unproven. Attached C1 form as the party has presented is lack of KPPS signature, thus degraded its value.
Besides, PD’s arguments about the inflated votes in Gorontalo 1, comprising 300 added votes are unproven. PKS’ objection of its losing 4 votes in TPS 3 Selatan Kota is unproven as well.
“The Court questioned Plaintiff’s argument that according to C1 plano the Plaintiff gained 20 votes as claimed. But no evidence confirms the occasion. Total votes comprising 2.013 votes, the true gained votes were only 17. Hence the argument has lost its legal standing,” Justice Wahiduddin Adams said in MK Plenary Room, Friday (27/6).
Laslty. For PPP’s pleadings, after testimonial hearing of Defendant’s and Plaintiff’s evidences, the Court sees no clear objection in the lawsuit. Presented witnesses and evidences don’t emphasize the presumably losing 281 votes. No accused violation act of KPU is proven. The Court doubts PPP’s lawsuit.
“The evidence of C1 form as being filed by the Applicant is doubtful due to the unmatched valid total votes to the data contained in C1 form, it is also unparallel with D1 form data,” Justice Muhammad Alim said.(Lulu Hanifah/mh)
Friday, June 27, 2014 | 17:00 WIB 87