Constitutional Court declines and rejects all parties’ lawsuits over Banten PHPU as being filed by eight parties, namely, National Democratic Party (Nasdem), National Awakening Party (PKB), Justice and United Indonesia Party (PKPI), Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), United Development Party (PPP), Crescent Star Party (PBB), People’s Conscience Party (Hanura), and National Mandate Party (PAN).
In its consideration, MK views that pleadings of Nasdem, PKPI, Gerindra, PPP, and Hanura have no legal reason. Nasdem’s evidences are not convincing and away from forming legal foundation to adjudicate Nasdem which objects 26.005 of losing votes. Therefore, the Court stated the Applicant’s argument is unproven.
It also happened to PKPI’s lawsuit, all of PKPI’s complaints were rejected due to the lack of comparison evidence to address correct result on PKPI’s claim.
Meanwhile, Lawsuits of PKB, PBB, PAN, and PPP for Dapil Tangerang 3 were also rejected by the Court. None of the lawsuits match the requirement, PAN for example, the Sun-symbolized Party was late on the case registration as being determined on Pasal 74 verse (2) Act of MK and Article 9 PMK 1/2014. Both Articles regulate the due time of case registration is 3x24 hours at longest after KPU announced the official election result.(Julie/mh/kun)
Thursday, June 26, 2014 | 22:23 WIB 91