All Pleadings over NTT Disputed Results Declined

Sentence Trial of Parties’ lawsuits over East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) cases was held by Constitutional Court (MK), on Wednesday (25/6). MK decided to decline numerous pleadings filed by Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Function Group Party (Golkar), People’s Conscience Party (Hanura), National Awakening Party (PKB), Star Crescent Party (PBB) in three Electoral Areas (Dapil), and National Mandate Party (PAN) in two Dapil.  

Meanwhile, Pleadings of Justice Prosperous Party (PKS), Star Crescent Party (PBB), and Justice and United Indonesia Party (PKPI) are rejected.

One of the rejected pleadings was Gerindra’s due to the belated registration. Toward Gerindra’s pleading, the Court has decided within verdict number 07-06/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014, dated 28 May 2014, which determines halted case inspection due to the revocation or unfulfilled requirements. The pleading was intentionally filed to deliberate DPRD candidate in NTT 4. “The Verdict, determines that the lawsuit is unacceptable,” Hamdan Zoelva recited. Golkar’s pleading was also happened to be rejected. Individual Applicant, Ir. Cyrillius Iryanto Kerong, who staked for his DPR RI candidacy from Dapil East Nusa Tenggara 1, had his fuss rejected after his pleading wasn’t agreed by his Party. In Court’s view, it makes he lost his legal standing as being determined on Article 2 verse (1) letter b PMK 1-3/2014.  

Nasdem’s pleading was also declined after deep consideration of comparing Defendant’s and related parties’ exception. Hanura’s lawsuit was also blown off due to the late registration.  

PAN’s revocation over East Sumba 2 cases for DPRD was modestly accepted, preceding other rejections of all its filed lawsuits.(Nano Tresna Arfana/mh/kun)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 | 22:47 WIB 125