PBB and PKPI Disclose Votes Difference in South Sulawesi


PHPU trial of South Sulawesi is proceeding to its final testimonial hearing after Constitutional Court (MK) held another trial on Wednesday (11/6) at MK Panel II room. Justice Arief Hidayat-led trial deliberates cases of Crescent Star Party (PBB) and Indonesian United Justice Party (PKPI).

In testimony of PBBB’s witness cited difference over accumulated votes in Luwu region. “There were some errors during the region recap, PBB lost its votes while another parties gained more votes,” Sito said   

Meanwhile PKPI files complaints in two areas, Toraja district one, and Toraja 3. Presented witness, Syeh Bumbungan stated PKPI’s vote removal. It has been reported to Bawaslu and eventually recommendation has been released. Another witness from Toraja 3 also said there was also feud in PPS, it led to cumulating of the voters in some TPS.

“There was feud in every TPS in North Toraja, of which many voters elect off the ballots. The TPS committees also removed some names listed in the DPT,” Marinus Bolu said.

Prior to the trial, Constitutional Justices have verified registered evidences for Papua cases as being filed by 12 parties. (Panji Erawan/mh)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | 22:35 WIB 105