The plaintiff of 2014’s PHPU, General Elections Commission (KPU), declines some witnesses’ testimony for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province. One of their rebuttals is declining the two DA forms issued by PPK Simpang Tiga.
The extension trial was held under Chief of MK, Hamdan Zoleva’s guidance. One of the witnesses Effendi, member of PPK Simpang Tiga, Aceh Besar declined that PPK had released two kinds of DA1 form. He pointed out that it was Nasdem’s witness who forced PPK to release hand-written DA1 form, while errors still could be found in the form.
“We didn’t release the doubled DA1 forms, because the plenum was also attended by Panwascam and all parties’ witnesses. But then, Nasdem asked hand-written DA1 for its data, while some villages’ data haven’t been included in the form, they forced us to give one,” he said in MK Plenary Room, Jakarta, Tuesday (3/6).
He admits there were still some ballots in 7 TPS which haven’t been included into the DA1 form. Later on PPK released digital and fully recapped DA1. “We explained that the hand-written DA1 is invalid. The valid document is the digital version and this version will be registered to KIP Pidie. It all has been validated and signed, included Nasdem,” He explained.
Effendi also explained all attending parties also agreed to sign the DA1 and no one fussed about it. Panwaslu didn’t recommend anything.
Prior to it, Nasdem’s witnesses disclosed the doubled DA1 forms, released by Simpang Tiga PPK, hand-written and computer-typed. But there is a difference in both forms. “We were deceived by the distinctive data, Gerindra’s margin was significantly different. It was 451 votes, but later changed to 1566 votes. We matched it with the C1 form, and it was changed” Teuku Banta Syahrizal, Monday (2/5)
Rejected Recommendation
Most of the witnesses who are the election committees in the village and region also admit there was no complaint. Albeit for Subussalam, Panwaslu had recommended to redo the election in one TPS.
“There was a recommendation for Subulussalam KIP from Panwaslu. They asked for re-election in TPS 2 Subussalam,” Binar Marbun said, member of Subulussalam PPK.
But it was abandoned due the lacking order hierarchy. The reason behind the recommendation was also unknown.(Lulu Hanifah/mh)
Tuesday, June 03, 2014 | 21:29 WIB 102