MK Visit: Bangka Belitung Permahi

The first judicial review ever was held in the US. Arranged by Supreme Court of the US, the judicial review wasn’t clearly determined in the US Constitution, back then. Four Supreme Justices signed a verdict to decide that the Supreme Court is competent to call off any constitution-opposed Act.   

“Until we form a legitimate institution to review the act, Constitutional Court”, Justice Maria Farida Indrati explained the history of Judicial Review to members of Indonesian Law Student Assembly (Permahi) Bangka Belitung, amidst her bustling activity on PHPU trial, Monday (2/6) in Mahkamah Konstitusi Building.

Moreover, Maria described Republic of Indonesia Constitutional Court’s (MKRI) history and its competence and authority. MKRI has 4 main authorities and 1 mandatory. The first authority is to review over any Act, regarding and derives from 1945 Constitution. The second is to decide over disputed authority of state institutions whose authority was given by the 1945 Constitution. The other two are to decide on political party’s eligibility and to decide over disputed legislative and presidential general elections.   

Aside from it, MK has one mandatory to decide over DPR’s verdict whether a president and/or vice president is convicted for betrayal, corruption, bribery, or another criminal act. She also explained that the nine Justices of Constitutional Act were chosen by three state institutions, Supreme Court (MA), Council of People’s Representatives (DPR), and President.   

The session was also proceeding to interview, but it was limited due to the narrow time Mrs. Maria had.(Utami Argawati/kun/mh)

Monday, June 02, 2014 | 21:20 WIB 139