Jabar Hearing Session: Data Lacking and Unreliable


Hearing on 2014’s PHPU Legislative elections in West Java was held by Panel III of the Constitutional Court (MK) on Friday (30/5). Various issues revealed through the testimony of witnesses who presented by numbers of political parties in the trial.

Venturing into the trial, a witness presented by Nasdem Party for Dapil Jabar I Ahmad Sujazi named Jody. He explained the differences in the results of the vote counting at polling stations in Astana Anyar subdistrict, Bandung. "In this trial, I will provide information that there is a difference in the Astana recent calculations in 5 PPS, PPS Cibadak, Karang Anyar, Karasak , Panjunan , and Pelindung Animals. In the 5 PPS, there is a difference between the calculation of the Commission with the fact that we found in the field. In the PPS, the difference of 69 TPS was calculated by a margin of 2,411 votes." said Jody.

Judges later questioned the different calculation between the facts found by Jody and the KPU’s result. "What did you find wrong?" asked the Chairman of the Judges Panel Ahmad Fadlil accompanied by Maria Farida Indrati and Aswanto. "I collect the data from each polling station and noticed these differences, the calculation has been changed. So I gather the data from C1 forms"said Jody.

Then there is Darmawan, witness of Hanura on Dapil Jabar V. He was a witness in the District Ciampea, Bogor. He explained the voting in 10 polling stations started before the elections officially began in Desa Benteng. "Voting was conducted by local officials to improve certain candidate’s voting." Darmawan said. "But the result was canceled by the Commission due to fraud committed by individual officers of the KPPS. Then they did the re-voting." Darmawan added.

Other Witness for the electoral district of West Java V is Hendrayana as Chairman of Hanura Bogor DPC. He explained about the electin violation in Bogor. According to the Applicant (DPP Hanura), Hanura won 127.947 votes. Meanwhile, according to the Election Commission, Hanura only won 109.489 votes. " Thus there is a margin of 18.458 votes" said Hendrayana which also explains the lowest vote totals occurred in five sub districts in Bogor, namely District Cigudeg , Kalapa Nunggal, Ciampea, Tajur Halang, Ranca Bungur.

Improper Data

Moreover, there is a witness for Hanura in Dapil West Java VI, Yoyo Effendi, who was also a witness in Depok Plenary Meeting. He said he had received reports from witnesses about the certificate data of PA I PPK Tapos. "These data do not deserve to be material recapitulation of district and municipal levels. There are four villages that were not included to vote on the election. Four villages are Sukatani, Sukamaju Baru, Jatijajar, and Cilangkap." Yoyo explained to the judges.


Furthermore, there is Hosni Mubarak who comes from the Golkar Party for Dapil Bekasi 3. He delivered the Golkar’s votes in 6 villages, namely Jati Mekar (3,581 votes), Jati Asih (2,601 votes), Jati Kramat (2,500 votes), Jati Luhur (2,842 votes), Jati Rasa (2,370 votes), and Jati Sari (2,317 votes)."Thus, Golkar’s total vote in the district of Jati Asih totaled 16,211 votes." Husni said.

Husni added that there is no problem of legislative election results in Jati Asih that affects Golkar significantly. However, there are some problems that harm Golkar’s vote in Jati Asih."But we have revised the false filling" said Husni.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) also presented a witness named Rosenfield Panjaitan. He bears witness to the Bogor PDIP. Rosenfield tells plenum legislative election results in Bogor began on 19 April 2014 and completed on 23 April 2014 .

 From these result, there are no political parties were objected. The results of the Plenary Commission for provincial shows PDIP got 333.093 votes. While Hanura won 107.034 votes" said Rosenfield.

Next, David Tupang was presented as witness by Gerindra for Cibitung. He describes the discovery in the D-day voting turnout reduction is known to harm Gerindra candidates named Habiburrahman, in Wanajaya and Wanasari village. "Election Commission stated 1.873 votes. Meanwhile, according to our calculations, should he gain 2.000 votes" said David.

David reveals, at the time of legislative elections took place in 2014, no witnesses of Gerindra present at the polling station in the village Wanajaya and Wanasari. "So, who arrived at the polling station are only two villagers who were given a mandate letter for the appointment there" said David.

Completed at 12.00 pm, the polls were then packed by Gerindra-pretended witnesses. In conclusion, according to David, there are other witnesses on behalf Gerindra, but not officially designated by Gerindra. "Dear Applicant, please be assured whether who was assigned to do so? In order to add information about it." Constitutional Justice Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi asked ( Nano Tresna Arfana / mh )

Friday, May 30, 2014 | 20:13 WIB 107