Constitutional Court (MK) held the preliminary session simultaneously over disputed elections which submitted by 12 National Parties and 2 Aceh Local Parties. In the Session, held on Friday (23/5), MK inspects 72 cases as being filed by Indonesia Unity and Justice Party (PKPI). PKPI itself questioned the 3,5% of electoral threshold.
The Party, led by former Jakarta Governor, Sutiyoso. Questioning KPU’ decision number 412/kpts/KPU/2014 about the DPR and DPRD memeberships as being declared on Friday (9/5).
The application registered with registration number 08-15/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014 , PKPI questioning vote result parties in the DPR I and II Aceh , North Sumatra I, II , and III , Jambi I, I and II South Sumatra , West Java I, II , III , IV , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , and XI , Banten I, II , and III , Central Java I, II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , and X , East Java I, II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , and XI , East Nusa Tenggara I and II , I Central Kalimantan , East Kalimantan I, Barat I, I North Sulawesi , South Sulawesi I, II , and III , I Southeast Sulawesi , West Sulawesi I, as well as Papua I.
Moreover, PKPI also questioned voting result to floor Dapil Jawa 2 in Banten Banten ; North Maluku North Maluku 5 ; and one in Papua submitted by individuals. As for filling DPRD Kabupaten / Kota , PKPI questioning Dapil 1 Deli Serdang , North Sumatra Medan 3 ; 1 Batam in Riau Islands ; Bungo 3 in Jambi ; Musi Rawas 4 , Four Lawang 4 in South Sumatra ; 1 North Toraja , North Toraja in South Sulawesi 3 ; 3 Sula Islands in North Maluku ; Jayapura 1 , Nabire 2 , Nabire 4 , Mimika 2 ( singles ) in Papua . In addition to questioning the acquisition seat on the DPR and DPRD, PKPI also questioned the 3.5 percent threshold throughout dapil.
PKPI argues about fraud in the event of legislative elections. Including, false ballots and vote reducing. PKPI wants MK to cancel KPU’s decision. Aside from PBB, PKPI is another party to failed on the elections, as its voting can’t fulfilled the required 3,5%.
Judges’ Advice
Deputy Head of MK, Arief Hidayat, suggests PKPI to assure additional dapil in the application as it relates to formal and the due time. Arief asked PKPI to complete the signs as attached in the files. Other advice is to change the number on legal ground in order to simplify the evidence checking session.(Ilham/mh)
Friday, May 23, 2014 | 18:19 WIB 158