Elections Winner, PDI-P Complains Over Fudges


Preliminary Session on 2014’s PHPU which held on Friday (23/5), attended by all Applicants from National and Aceh Local Parties. One of the applicants, PDI-P, also attended the Session. Represented by its attorney, Sirra Prayuna, PDI-P recited its complaint and listened to Judges’ advices.

The winning-party in this year’s election, filed 19 cases for the DPR disputes in 5 election area (Dapil) (West Java X, Central Java V, East Java VII, East Kalimantan I, and Southeast Sulawesi I). While the rests, are cases from DPRD and individual cases. Sirra Prayuna, who has been PDI-P’s attorney since 2004, also stated that PDI-P may take case of Jateng V down.  

In the session, Justices led by Hamdan Zoelva, suggests PDI-P to revise its application. For instance, there are some errors in Attorney and associates name list, individual registered cases, and evidences unsuitability in the document.

Implementation of the Election considered detrimental to the acquisition of this bull-symbolized party votes for allegedly full of violations and manipulation. According to the Party that established since January 10, 1973, violations -presumably- committed by the General Election Commission from Cluster Coordinator Ballot (KPPS) to the Ballot Committee (SFC), and also performed by some other political party. As for violations that occurred from ballooning voice, votes reduction application, to confusion in votes revenue in the form of summary calculation difference between form DB1 with C1 form

Therefore, the party numbered 4 in the 2014 elections declared null and invoke the Constitutional Court is not binding on the KPU’s Decision No. 411/Kpts/KPU/2014. (Winandriyo Anggianto/mh)

Friday, May 23, 2014 | 20:22 WIB 100