Head of MK, Hamdan Zoelva said that MK is working on two PHPU-related targets. The two targets are to complete all cases before the due time and to decide professionally and wisely.
“Facing this PHPU, MK has THE responsibility to wrap up all cases in 30 days. On the other hand, MK has to decide wisely and thoroughly” Hamdan explained in press conference, Friday (16/5). MK determined to work hard and responsibly with country-serving spirit in order to fulfill the targets.
In the same opportunity, Hamdan suggests all pleading applicants to not contact anyone, the Judges, Committees, or any MK employees to win their pleadings in session. “I convince you to not believe anyone who says that he can adjust on cases, because he/she has relation to the Judges, Committees, or MK Employees” he said.
MK will decide on cases responsibly, for the national interest, independently, impartial, influence-free, everything will be based on disclosed evidence and Justices’ integrity. “The Judges will not see whoever the applicants. Anyone who feels close to MK shall not be influenced and please trust MK” He said.
767 Cases
Hamdan describes that until now MK has registered all the applications in the Book of Constitutional Cases (BRPK), all applicants has generated 767 cases. 735 cases were registered by Political Parties, national and Aceh. The rests were registered by DPD candidates.
“There’s a difference in number to what MK has announced before. After the deep research, regarding posita and petitum, the exact number is now 767 cases” he explained.
On 15th May 2014, MK had registered all cases to be included in BRPK. After the date, MK has 30 days to complete and decide on all the cases. The due date will be 30th June 2014.
Hamdan also explained, MK will start the first hearing session on Friday, 23rd May 2014 consecutively from dusk till dawn. Checking session is scheduled to be held twice and in plenary. For the next session, Judges will be split into three panels. The panels will check on evidences and pplicants-recommended witnesses until the verdict being recited in the plenary.
The panels will be divided properly and based on province. The Judges will be split correctly to avoid Judges’ tie to the province of he/she could bias. “For example, Judge from Semarang will not decide on Central Java-related case. The judges are still impartial and independent. This conducted just to minimize any suspicion” Hamdan said.(Lulu Hanifah/mh)
Friday, May 16, 2014 | 19:32 WIB 174