Delegation of the Russian Embassy in Indonesia Conveys to make Cooperation

Secretary General of the Constitutional Court ( MK ) , Janedjri M. Gaffar received the delegation of the Russian Embassy in Indonesia , Friday ( 25/4 ) . During the visit , representatives of the Russian Embassy , Veronika Novoseltseva submits application cooperation with the Russian Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia ( MOJ ) . With open arms , Janedjri Court was delivered ready to work with anyone for the sake of disseminating information as well reasoned .

Veronika said Indonesia’s relationship with Russia has been very good . To follow up on a relationship that has been established so far , the Russian Constitutional Court also wants to collaborate with Constitutional Court.

Responding to the request, Janedjri says Court always ready to cooperate with any party , including the Russian Constitutional Court . Moreover , MOJ does have a program of cooperation with the Court in various countries . The program aims to exchange information as well insights into the practice of the Court in various countries. "In principle we are interested to cooperate with the Russian Constitutional Court , " said Janedjri .

So far, Court has collaborated with various enforcement agencies in various countries. Call it MK Thailand who’ve been to Court. In addition to receiving visits , through Court Judges of the Constitutional Court often visit other countries participated in the event including conferences between Constitutional Courts worldwide . Such activities solely aimed at exchanging information and knowledge that can be used to advance their respective institutions. ( Yusti Nurul Agustin )

Monday, April 28, 2014 | 08:46 WIB 217