The Constitutional Court granted the withdrawal of judicial review of Law No. 4 of Presidential Decree No. 2014 MK into Law proposed by the Indonesian Constitution Society Alliance registered in this case 28/PUU-XII/2014 number . " Establish , granted the Petitioners recall , " said Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva in the Plenary Court , on Thursday ( 24/4 ) .
After the Court carefully examined the petition in the Consultative Meeting ( RPH ) on 17 April 2014 , all judges agreed constitution stipulates that a recall petition is groundless case law .
Previously , Tuesday ( 01 / 04 ), the Court held the trial of this case , which was attended by the applicant . On that occasion , the applicant said that the Interim Law Court is set to become law does not meet the elements of urging or forcing crunch . Therefore , the Petitioner asks the Court to declare the law and contrary to UUD1945 not have binding legal force .
But according to Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim , the petition object no longer exists in the Act . Due have been disconnected last February stating Law 4/2014 is , contrary to the 1945 Constitution and have no binding legal force .
Pursuant to Article 35 paragraph ( 1 ) and paragraph ( 2 ) of the Applicant may withdraw the application before or during the examination MK performed . The recall petition resulted in this case can not be filed again. (Panji Erawan / mh )
Thursday, April 24, 2014 | 19:02 WIB 96