Chief Justice: In the Past Lawyers Voicing on Rule of Law

During the 60s many lawyers voiced the rule of law in Indonesia . The rule of law is one of the essence of democracy .

"Therefore, the Constitutional Court found it important to invite the lawyers in order to participate oversee the implementation of the 2014 election . ‘s Not only elections , but also oversee the democratic process , " said Chairman of the Constitutional Court ( MK ) Hamdan Zoelva while delivering a speech at the opening of Education and Training (Training ) Dispute Settlement Case for Legislative Elections 2014 Constitutional lawyer , Wednesday ( 23/4 ) afternoon at the Education Center Pancasila and the Constitution , Cisarua , Bogor .

" Often lawyers have a good idea to correct the laws that are inconsistent with the principles of democracy . For example , by testing legislation against the Constitution , "added Hamdan .

Hamdan said 2014 was an important year in the political process and democracy in Indonesia .

" Recently we have witnessed the process of voting on 9 April 2014 and the orderly , safe and peaceful . Election order, safety and peace is one of the indicators that make us optimistic to pass through the democratic process well . Although there are many other steps that will have to be completed , "explained Hamdan .

It is said Hamdan , see the history of Indonesia there are quite a lot of experience in implementing democracy . Various models of democracy been applied in Indonesia , among others, future of liberal democracy in the 50s , the atmosphere really liberal democracy practiced and enjoyed .

" But the impact of liberal democracy in several aspects , including the negative impact . Liberal democracy practiced at that time along with a parliamentary system . As a result , opportunities to rise and fall of government becomes very large . The stability of the government is very disturbed , mutually cabinet continuously, " said Hamdan .

Furthermore , there is the New Order led by President Suharto . In the view of the new order , deviations rule of Guided Democracy . At the time the Constitution is sacred , should not be changed because it would change the course of government . Including downsizing the number of political parties because there is no freedom to form political parties .

A few years later , political reforms in Indonesia in 1998 following the fall of Soeharto . One of the demands for reform , the establishment of democratic governance . In addition there is a demand to eradicate the practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism ( KKN ) , respect for human rights , and the separation of functions of the Indonesian Armed Forces ( ABRI ) from the government . ( Nano Tresna Arfana / mh )

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 | 19:03 WIB 201