Hamdan: Good Election is Successful Democracy

In the golden anniversary of the Faculty of Law ( FH ) University of Udayana , the Constitutional Court (MK) in collaboration with the Faculty of Udayana held a National Seminar on Legislative Election Resolution at the Inna Grand Bali Beach , Tuesday ( 8/4 ) . Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva directly open seminar followed the S1, S2 , S3 and even the Udayana University Faculty of Law . In his opening speech, Hamdan conveyed the importance of upholding the democratic life of the nation.

He began his speech , Hamdan delivered election is one of the important benchmarks for assessing the success of democracy in a country . The better the administration of elections showed the better democracy in a country . " Democracy Election looks good if the quality is also getting better , " said Hamdan before the Rector of Udayana University , Ketut Suastika .

Even so , Hamdan understands that democracy is not like turning the palm of the hand can occur with lightning speed . In building a democracy would have to be done slowly filled with patience . Due to lack of patience , a lot of countries , especially countries in the Middle East who want to implement democracy in the nation’s life just stopped in the middle of the road . " Running a democracy takes a lot of patience . Therefore , in the democratic process a lot of things to do . Many of the stages that must be passed as listening to people’s opinions first. It is different from the authoritarian state that can directly determine policy without hearing the opinion of many people , "said Hamdan .

Hamdan also stressed that the attitude to understand the differences and respect each other is the essence of democracy . If you are not familiar with the difference then democracy will not grow well .

One of the stages that must be passed as a democratic state is the election . In practice , election has many stages and through a long process . At the initial stage is the establishment of norms that regulate the election . Meanwhile, the next stage is the implementation stage to culminate in the inauguration stage of the newly elected officials . All stages of the election is run safely and peacefully is a success in a democratic election process .

Even so , Hamdan reminded that election is not just going well but must forward the essence of democracy in the administration of elections . The universal principle of election is free and fair or free and fair elections . In 1945 the principle known as the principle of direct, general , free , confidential , honest and fair.

Aspects of Successful Election

There are five aspects that affect the success principles in the election . First , the rules must be good and fair election so that it does not contain differing interpretations and covers the entire problem . Second , voters are smart . Voters are intelligent people who influenced both the level of education and a good level of welfare of the people . " This is only natural because democracy requires intelligence and rationality . Proven new states that the level of education and less welfare be failing in democracy . If it is prosperous , people will not be tempted by the lure of money . So also with the people who had higher education will be insulted if paid with cash . However, because the level of education we are still far from expectations then shall apply the principles of political economy in the form of money . We have to fix this gradually and continuously , " Hamdan explained that on that occasion accompanied by the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court , Janedjri M. Gaffar .

Third , political parties and political elite either . Hamdan explained damaged when the political elite in the political and cultural organizations also damaged then the public will also be encouraged to do no good . Therefore , Hamdan hoped political parties have good organizational culture so as to improve the quality of democracy .

In addition , an independent election management and professionals have also become an important aspect in realizing the success of the election . Under conditions of underprivileged Indonesian society today, an independent election organizers and professional realization of key importance that a good implementation of democracy through the successful holding of elections. According to Hamdan, it is proven in Court which decides some cases implemented PHPU to vote again or re-verification because of problems that are not professional organizers and independent . " Election is the first latch to oversee democratic elections in the midst of all the conditions in Indonesia . This was true both for the Commission , Supervisory Committee , or Bawaslu , "said Hamdan .

One more thing that becomes an important aspect in achieving successful holding of democratic elections , which is a credible and independent judiciary . Judiciary is the last doorstop to realize a good democracy . If all conditions are not good in the implementation of the judicial election should remain in good condition . Therefore , when the court was not credible and independent then it fails entire democratic life .

Court as a judicial institution that one authority completed Election Results Dispute case ( PHPU ) has since long ago prepared to hear a variety of cases that entered the election year 2014 . All ranks of the secretariat to case handling training given back . In addition , the Court also set up a mechanism for settling disputes that are tailored to the 2014 election . " Based on the assumption of 300 cases coming to the Court , the Court prepare everything well . The mechanism for settling disputes , all trainees , clerks to the secretariat also improved , "said Hamdan . ( Hendy Prasetya / Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh )

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 | 16:20 WIB 198