Judicial review of Law No. 24 Year 2011 on the Social Security Agency (BPJS Act) held by the Constitutional Court ( MK ) on Tuesday ( 8/4 ) at the Plenary Court . The lawsuit filed by an independent verifier, Dwi Afrianto.
Improvement in hearing the petition, the Petitioner is present at the trial explained has made improvements to an application in accordance with the advice of the judges in the previous trial . Iskandar Zulkarnain as the attorney explained the applicant proposed to change the article to be tested . " We fix the sentence and change the norms for the test . If we examine the original Article 60 paragraph ( 2 ) letter a of Law BPJS , then we change to Article 60 paragraph ( 3 ) letter b BPJS , " he said before the panel of judges , led by Judge Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi.
The judges approved several items of evidence submitted by the applicant . In a previous trial , judge rules termination Applicant Community Health Insurance program (Assurance ) after the enactment of the Social Security Agency ( BPJS ) Health contrary to the 1945 Constitution . Applicant felt their constitutional rights violated by the enactment of Article 60 paragraph ( 2 ) letter a of Law BPJS . Dwi Afrianto revealed himself as the applicants joining the Implementing Power JAMKESNAS independent verifier who were recruited by the Ministry of Health who later cooperated with PT Askes since 2008. "The government is looking for a reason to dismiss impressed Implementing Power independent verifier . One of them with the rules regarding age limit below 25 years , "explained Afrianto .
In addition , the enactment of such article Afrianto expressed it resulted in the loss of legal certainty and the loss of Petitioner’s right to work , due to the expiration of the contract JAMKESNAS independent verifier of the Ministry of Health which is placed for the benefit of PT Askes . For this reason, the demand or petitum, the Applicant requested that the article has conditionally declared unconstitutional . " Throughout certainty interpreted to eliminate the right to work independent verifier JAMKESNAS Executive Power , despite the change management of the implementation of the Health Insurance PT . Askes to be organizer of Social Security Agency ( BPJS ) Health , "said Afrianto . ( Lulu Anjarsari / mh )
Tuesday, April 08, 2014 | 20:33 WIB 111