Kepri Students Lecture on the State Government System

Head of Research and Case Studies , Management of Information and Communication Technology ( P4TIK ) Constitutional Court , Guntur M. Hamzah for the umpteenth time , the informant Training Pancasila and the Constitution for Youth and Students Riau Islands Province , Wednesday ( 2/4 ) afternoon in Cisarua , Bogor . Material presented is "State Government System".

On that occasion Thunder Hamzah said notch institutions in the state system in 1945. Now the position of state institutions in the Indonesian equivalent , either the President, the parliament, the Assembly of Representatives, Audit Board, MA , MK and KY . Unlike the pre- 1945 changes that MPR is the highest state institution.

Furthermore , Guntur explain state institutions that hold power by the Constitution . There is the House that according to Article 20 paragraph ( 1 ) of the 1945 Constitution holds the power to make laws . Then there is President that according to Article 4 paragraph ( 1 ) of the 1945 Constitution holds governmental power .

" While the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court holds that the judicial power is the power to conduct an independent judiciary to uphold law and justice . This is in accordance with Article 24 paragraph ( 1 ) of the 1945 Constitution , "said Thunder .

Furthermore, Guntur outlines about the terms, tenure , and the authority of the President / Vice President . That the President / Vice- President must be a citizen of Indonesia since birth and never receive another citizenship by his own will, never betraying the country, as well as spiritually and physically able to perform the tasks and duties as the President and Vice President .

In addition , the President and Vice President are directly elected President and Vice President elected as a pair directly by the people . Then, too , the President and Vice President shall hold office for five years , and thereafter may be re-elected in the same position , just for one more term

State Institutions Dispute

After describing the training material, Guntur give participants a chance to do a question and answer . Among them, one participant asked to consider if there is a dispute between the internal and external state agencies .

"That there is the authority of the Constitutional Court the authority to resolve disputes between state institutions the authority granted by the Constitution. It’s become one of the crucial issues. Many cases that go to the Constitutional Court, the authority associated with the dispute, "explained Guntur.

In fact, continued Guntur, if state agencies are subject to the constitution and read the constitution is not merely textual, then in fact there should be no such thing among institutions dispute the authority of the state.

"Is not the state institutions are equally subject to the constitution, are equally subject to the provisions of law . But we also cannot turn a blind eye, sometimes laws are made ​​in order to implement the provisions in Constitution, the distortion, "said Guntur.

"So that this law raises the name multiple interpretations, differences in interpretation and authority occurs attract each other , " said Guntur. ( Nano Tresna Arfana / mh )

Wednesday, April 02, 2014 | 18:36 WIB 197