The book belong to Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar entitled "Election Law in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court" discussed by a number of experts. Books published by the Press Constitution praise and criticism.
Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva of his keynote speech calls an authentic masterpiece. Because Janed has followed in the footsteps Court since its establishment . He was a scholar who completed a dissertation on the general election . " By reading this book , I got the impression that many of the Constitutional Court to interpret the law based on progressive , although in certain cases the Court maintains the original intent . Particularly relevant authority of state institutions , "said Hamdan on the 1st floor auditorium Court Building , Jakarta , Tuesday ( 1/4 ) .
Interestingly , continued Hamdan , almost all the important decision of the Court , either in the form of judicial legislation on elections and election results dispute ( PHPU ) has been summarized in the book . " So to know the views of the Constitutional Court through judicial elections and decision PHPU , can be read in full in this book , at least until 2012, " he added .
236 pages thick book were dissected by the Chief Justice Moh Mahfud MD period 2008-2013, Former Judge Natabaya , Dean of the Faculty of Law UI Topo Santoso , deputy chief editor of Kompas Budiman Tanuredjo, and Executive Director of the Association for Elections and Democracy ( Perludem ) Titi Anggraini . " This book is proof that the judges make new law regarding the election process is very dynamic , not only to enforce the law that is concrete , " said Mahfud be the first discussant .
Because Mahfud added, elections in the era of democracy in Indonesia was already more advanced , first there is no court to dispute resolution , now there is . In addition , the Court initially authorized to settle disputes only results , but also in its development, the Court adjudicate the dispute process .
While Budiman Tanuredjo stated JaneD have authority in the constitution . He has held strategic positions at the Secretariat General Assembly as one of the witnesses when the amendments to the Law of 1945 took place , later became Secretary General Court nearly 10 years .
In line with Budiman , Titi Anggraini judge a book that raise and discuss the decisions of the Constitutional Court which is categorized as the emerging jurisprudence at the right moment ahead of legislative elections in 2014. " For us , this amazing book and should be a handle for the legislator to not break the articles that have been granted the Court to be removed , " he said .
There is no ivory that is not cracked . Winning book written doctorate graduate Legal Studies , Diponegoro University , Semarang , was not spared from criticism . Natabaya assess the phrase " election law " and " the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court " in the title of a book written by Janed less precise .
" The title interesting , what the electoral law ? Is the election law is a rule issued by the government ? Whereas in the 1945 electoral law also regulated . Second , the jurisprudence of the Court , when existence ? There is no case law in the Constitutional Court . Jurisprudence arises when there is a legal vacuum . If there are laws , there is no case law , " the judges said that the constitution of the first period . The views Natabaya departing from the standpoint of emptiness laws prevalent in the practice of the Supreme Court judge in a different environment constitutional authority to that of MK .
Previously, Janed also wrote two books , namely " Politics Election Law " and " Constitutional Democracy : constitutional After Practice Act Amendments of 1945 " , both published in 2012 . He is also the editor / compiler of numerous books, namely " Constitutional Reform Process Assembly Special Session 1998 " , " Reform of the Indonesian Constitution , the First Amendment Act of 1945 " , " Pros and Cons Jakarta Charter in the Era of Reform " , and " Regional Representative Council in the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia " . In addition , after the book "The Election Law in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court " , the book " Democracy and Elections in Indonesia " written by Janed also published . Both last book is an important part of her dissertation work at Diponegoro University in Semarang , entitled " Reconstruction Authority Constitutional Court in Case Handling General Elections to Realize elections in the Democratic Progressive Legal Perspective " in 2013 . ( Lulu Hanifa / mh )
Tuesday, April 01, 2014 | 17:51 WIB 173