To achieve the good life in a nation, there must be awareness by all the citizens to understand and explore the constitution. The higher level of consciousness to constitution is the more civilized life in the nation. Hamdan Zoelva expressed so, while open events Constitutional Debate Competition Interagency Students in Higher Education Se - Indonesia Year 2014 West Regional , Saturday ( 03/22/2014 ) at the Auditorium of the Provincial Government of South Sumatra , Palembang.
More Hamdan added, the Constitution not only to those studying law. konstitusi is above the law and be a source of law. "The Constitution is the result of mutual agreement drawn up by all elements of the nation from all walks, not only from those who study the law. The formulation of the constitution are political, some religious, some techniques, and more. Therefore, the constitution belongs to all of us, citizens of Indonesia," said Hamdan.
Constitution is also the basis of an agreement in which a dream destination and organs stateless. The organization is running the country to grow and develop. " The first Constitution only be understood only as a purely political document , is expanding in the policy-making of the policy , as in the economic system , cultural system , social ethics , ethics of governance. Constitution which regulates the organs and systems of government is usually called the state maintenance or Chapter of Government," said him.
In the maintenance of the country, more Hamdan, the constitution is the supreme moral consensus of the representatives of the people. Therefore, to continue to develop community awareness level in constitution, court found it important to organize such a debate competition. "I very much hope that this debate competition brings meaning to understand the constitution and build awareness of constitution. The higher our understanding constitution, the higher the prestige of our country that," close Hamdan.
Activities of the Constitutional Debate Competition among se - Indonesia Higher Education in Regional West performed at the University of Sriwijaya, Palembang. Activity which lasted for three days, followed by 24 colleges in the region of Sumatra, Banten, and West Java. Not only is followed by the jurist , the other student background jurisprudence also come as participants debate the Constitution , among other students from Bandung Technology Institute and Bogor Agricultural University. ( ddy )
Saturday, March 22, 2014 | 21:52 WIB 146